The most important laserlift botAaction active principles are:
The new Acetyl Hex Peptide: is the active principle which determines a direct action on face mimic muscles, decreasing muscles tensions as the botulinic toxin does. It reduces the release of catecholamines (Noradrenalin-Adrenalin) which are responsible for muscles contraction. “In vitro” and “in vivo” tests confirmed ilift and laserlift botAction effectiveness in reducing and preventing expression wrinkles, restoring health, youth and beauty to your skin.
Rose Hips Extract: Citric and Malic Acid in the extract determine a light exfoliating action, so that your skin has a plastic effect and it is at the same time hydrated.
Equisetum Glycolic Extract: it is a plant very rich in Citric Acid, which increases skin elasticity; its action is also antiradical.
Soybean Protein: it is a proteical natural extract extracted from soybeans. It operates stimulating tissues metabolistic processes, stimulating cellular activity. It brings nutrient elements, which are essential for biological equilibrium. It is rich in essential amino acids (threonine, valine, methionine) useful for the synthesis of the most important proteins (collagen). Mineral salt helps in maintaining skin hydratation.
Hyaluronic Acid: it is a natural polymer able to detain big quantity of water in the cellular matrix. It is also a very strong hydratating substance.
Laserlift botAction is a new formulation created for anti-aging treatment, mixing innovative active principles joint together for the first time ever, able to give a synergic action on factors causing wrinkles. Every product of the laserlift botAction line has the Cosmetic Dossier, where all effectiveness, tolerability and safety tests are provided.